Friday, October 5, 2012


Today's OneWord is 'Relentless'
I always thank God for you because of His grace and mercy He has given us in Jesus Christ. He has made us rich in every way in all our speaking and in all our knowledge. In addition, He has assured us that He will keep us strong until the end.
Consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters when we have many kinds of trials or testing. We know that these troubles are testing our faith, which should lead to our endurance. Sometimes, trials can beat us up, abandon us, strip us, and leave us for dead. Then we feel exhausted and overwhelmed about these difficulties in life. However, the Word says, "If God is for us, no one can stand against us" (Romans 8:31). He gave His own Son to death for us because we are precious to Him. I can assure you that anyone who trusts in God will never be disappointed.
Our sufferings do not get the opportunity to choose for us. We are followers of Christ. Our actions can influence the trial's outcome. The only way a problem can win is if we hand it over voluntarily. The concerns, we are going through, are not here to destroy us, but are here to strengthen us. He comforts us every time we have trouble. Sometimes, we face significant burdens that are beyond our own strength, but this is happening so we cannot trust in ourselves but in God. Remember, God is the One who makes us strong in Christ.
Do not let this storm toss us like the tiny ship on Gilligan's Island. The weather may be getting rough. The wind maybe trying to toss us back and forth, but we are not like the S.S. Minnow on a three-hour tour. In addition, we are not castaways lost; we are a fearless crew working for the kingdom. We are not shipped wreck; we are relentless about our Father's business. Our Captain can calm the raging seas. Furthermore, He can walk on water and rescue us. We must be unyielding, determined to stay on our feet, holding tight to Jesus, while the storms of life are trying to destroy us.
We have troubles all around us, but we are not defeated. We may not know what to do, but we do not give up the hope of living. We may be stressed, shaken, broken, or abused, but God has not left us. We may even be hurt, abandoned, or mistreated, but we are not destroyed. Therefore, we cannot afford to give in, give up, or jump ship because we are relentless until the end. We all may fall, but today it is time to get up.


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Much love,
Monica Johnson "Unstoppable"
Founder of OneWordMovement Inc
Youtube: OneWordMovement Inc or Monica Johnson
contact # 763-MY.1.WORD or 763-691-9673
Winning with OneWord by Working Your OneWord!

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