Wednesday, November 20, 2013

OneWord is Preserved!

OneWord is Preserved!

Have you ever been in a place where you can't see the physical scars, but you felt the inner pain? Or your surroundings include others who are hiding invisible sutures. They tell you to pray to cover your pain, but what they don't tell you is that prayer must be from the heart. You live your life hiding from yourself to please others. Do you think it's time to be you? I do. You have carried that damaging stimuli long enough. See, I have always searched for others to love me unconditionally because that was the Godly thing to do. But now I know people who love you unconditionally love you from the heart. The heart is a muscle that serves a tremendous purpose, which requires a lot of purifying to keep the blood vessels flowing. I cleaned my heart today of all the past hurts, pain, sorrow, abandonment & rejection. I believe that for the last six months, I have physically been attacked in every area of my body that has brought me to my knees. God wanted my attention, He has plans. Some days I can barely walk or watch TV for 15 minutes without pain. I believe that although I have seen over 10 doctors & hospitalized in the last two months, I had inner invisible scars that needed to be released. I share so that you too can appreciate that isolation and loneliness serves a purpose.  Release from the heart whatever is causing you inner turmoil. The truth is it's a deadly disease that wants to take you out. I have been Preserved, you can too. 

Much love, Monica 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Today's OneWord is Enough!

Today's OneWord is "Enough"

Today do not just go along to keep peace. When we see and know something is wrong, act and ask questions, but stand on the truth of God's Word. People are hurting. Where can they go? We are to take the rightful place for love and do what is right. Christians are supposed to be the light of the world. If we are manipulating people by twisting the Word of God, and covering our pain from judgment of other Christians, then what are the nonbelievers seeing? Emotionalism has taken over, everybody and everything is up for grabs. Let us begin to look at the inner corruptness in ourselves and take the masks off. Enough! 

Much love,

Monica Johnson "Unstoppable"

Today's OneWord is Enough!

Today's OneWord is "Enough"

Today do not just go along to keep peace. When we see and know something is wrong, act and ask questions, but stand on the truth of God's Word. People are hurting. Where can they go? We are to take the rightful place for love and do what is right. Christians are supposed to be the light of the world. If we are manipulating people by twisting the Word of God, and covering our pain from judgment of other Christians, then what are the nonbelievers seeing? Emotionalism has taken over, everybody and everything is up for grabs. Let us begin to look at the inner corruptness in ourselves and take the masks off. Enough! 

Much love,

Monica Johnson "Unstoppable"

Friday, September 27, 2013

Today's OneWord is "Credentials"

Today's OneWord is 'Credentials'

Have you ever felt as if you were the least likely person God would choose to accomplish His will? The Bible is full of people that God used who were insignificant. He loves to use the no names, nobodies, forgotten, weak, and powerless to make a difference for His glory. You know the story of Esther. Look at Esther's qualifications. She came from  people who were living in exile. She had no higher education and no money. She was an orphan, but God chose her to become queen and save her people from genocide. God uses whom He pleases to change the world. All He requires is a willing heart and obedience to His Word.

We may not have the qualifications like Esther, but we are letting past behaviors keep us from being used by God. Now walk down the memory road of your past and see if you are letting old behaviors, old problems, old concerns, and old challenges count you out.  If you were once a harlot, He can use you. He used Rahab. If you were once an outcast, He can use you. He used Ruth. If you were once an adulteress, He can use you. He used Bathsheba. If you slept with your father-in-law, He can use you too. He used Tamar. What's so profound about these women, who behaved badly are that when you read the genealogy of Jesus Christ in Matthew 4, you find their names. These women had questionable credentials, but God did not count them out.

They became part of Jesus' genealogy through the sovereign grace and mercy of God! "God… is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9). If He used bad girls who had questionable credentials, do you think He could use us today. I do. He is using me. If the truth be told, we all were once children of God who behave badly that is being used by God now. No matter what your past may have been forgiving yourself and let God use you for His glory.

As much as we do not like whom we used to be, what we used to do or how we used to do it, He loves sinners and wants to use us. We cannot choose the family we were born in, but we can choose to break the generational curses. We cannot control the conditions of life, but we can control how we respond to them. Live lessons are not coincidental, but beneficial. Some people think they have no power to affect change, but God works out the circumstances in our past for our benefit to complete His plan for our lives. Stop letting the past hurt you, pull you down and prevent you from living.  Remember you were created for such a time as now.

Take a look at your credentials, whether you were misbehaving or not, and do not count yourself out God can use you.

Follow us on twitter: @1wordmovement @monicajoneword
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Much love,

Monica Johnson "Unstoppable"

Monday, September 23, 2013

Today's OneWord is "All"

Today's Word is 'All'

Gracious God, as deer longs for streams of water, so we long for You. God, we thirst for Your living water. We put all our hope in You because of Your faithful love. Lord, You are our Sustainer and our Rock. We love You. We honor You, Lord with all our beings. We come to You in accordance with Your will. You know what is good and perfect for us better than we know for ourselves. Father, we pray in our times of adversity, prosperity, and danger. We plant words that produce hope, faith, and love.
We speak to all those mountains in our lives. We are fully armored. We are ready to face all our trials, discouragements, and worries. As we pray for all situations that are out of our control and all obstacles seemed unbearable; we recognize that the battle is already won. You are all the strength we need. You can deliver us and set us free. We stand knowing that You have the power to do what You have promised.
We praise You anyhow! We praise You in any case. The Bible says, "It is God who arms me with strength, And makes my way perfect" (Psalms 18:32). Thank You for Your faithfulness to hear us, to rescue us, and to guide us.
Father, we ask peace to show up and help us focus on Your goodness and faithfulness today.  We are victorious. "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all" (Psalms 34:19).
In the Omnipotent name of Jesus, I seal this prayer with the incredible love of Jesus.  Amen!
Follow us on twitter: @1wordmovement @monicajoneword
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Much love,

Monica Johnson "Unstoppable"

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Today's OneWord is "Today!"

Today's OneWord is "Today"

Today, I encouraged myself! Today, I will live my best life! I am a child of God, of Royal Priesthood, Victorious, and my Father owns everything. Today, I live the life He promised. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Today, I don't cry for pity and sorrow! Today, I am never a victim always a victor. Today, I became wealthy, healthy, abundantly, and saturated with joy. Today, I am a Change Agent. Today, I am impacting and influencing others with the words that come out of my mouth. I speak to dead situations and command change. Today, my name is released into the atmosphere and hemisphere for those assigned to pray and intercede with me and for me. And they will not come off their assignment until the Holy Spirit has accomplished what He has purposed and planned. Today, I am placed in the hearts of man and favored by God! Today, I am placed in favor of laws, legislation, and codifications, which are changed to affect my life. Today, I establish and speak victory over ever plot and plan of the enemy. Today, what people meant for my bad, my Father nullified and worked it out for my good. Today, I have faith, focus, and fire to demolish all roadblocks and finish this race set before me.

Today, I accept me!

Today, the devil can't kill what God has anointed!

Today, I walk with power and authority!

Today, I am not led by flesh, emotion, or intellect, but at the highest level of being led by the Spirit of God.

Today, I decree and declare that unexpected blessings are coming my way! Today, I have more wisdom, understanding, and more strategic weapons at my disposal. Today, I am not accepting any substitutions, no delays, and no setbacks. Today, Satan, you better cough it up, loose it, let it go, and give it to me now! Today, I abolish and annulled every satanic thought, perception, scheme and strategy that is being setup for my demise. Today, I encouraged myself!

Did you?

Much love,

Monica Johnson "Unstoppable"

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Today's OneWord is "Cancel"

Today's OneWord is "Cancel"

Many times, we are afraid to step out of our comfort zone because we are focusing on the things we say are impossible or afraid to do. We are stuck. We have war raging inside of us that no one can see except us and God. We don't know how to explain what we are experiencing or how to put these feelings into words.

We put on our pretend clothes and our outer false armor and go about our day as normal when on the inside we are screaming 'HELP'. We must pull back the curtains, twist the blinds, and open the windows to expose the war inside and deal with it.  Pretending and pretense are not the characteristics of being victorious.

We don't have to stay this way. We must renew our mind, be honest with ourselves, and live what we believe. We can change our circumstances and current situations if we deal with how we feel about ourselves. We tend to focus on what is going to happen or what will happen rather than use faith to focus on what is happening. Faith is taking steps toward God without questioning Him. He knows that we are inadequate and broken, yet He created thoughts and plans to give us a future and a hope. God has already won the battle. He wants us to use His strategies and principles in the Word and know that we don't have to stay stuck.

Today, cancel every negative word about yourself. Cancel every negative word others have said about you. Cancel every harmful deed you have done to yourself. And cancel every harmful deed others have done to you. The more we cancel negativity the more we move forward. You are not in this alone. You no longer have to smile at people with your secret chaos and pretend all is well. However, you can laugh at the enemy and let him know you have exposed his tactics and you are no longer stuck. I am a Winner!

Follow us on twitter: @1wordmovement @monicajoneword
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Much love,

Monica Johnson "Unstoppable"

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Today's OneWord is "Authority"

Today's OneWord is "Authority"

Today, many of us have a messenger of Satan sent to harass us with all kinds of issues and problems. Satan will throw all kinds of nasty circumstances our way. We are to live victoriously no matter the concerns of life. Many times, we make decisions based on our temporary emotions that cause more harm than good. We keep doing the same things repeatedly, and every time we get the same results. Some of us love to bump our heads. We keep asking God to help us, and He does. We do the same things and He helps us again. God has made a way of escape for us in all situations. However, enough is enough. We cannot keeping saying, "The Devil made me do it". No, he did not. We made a conscience decision.

Embrace freedom and soar from the messenger that has been brought against you. God has made a way of escape, but we choose the other way. "Be Aware" is the warning sign we see in our peripheral, but we do not obey the caution. Do not let the messenger of Satan make decisions for you. There is one important step we forget and that is that we get to choose. Start declaring and decreeing what you want in life. That means speak those things as though they are in your presence now.

Satan wants to negotiate our promises from the Lord. Negotiate! He is not in any position to negotiate! We are not free agents being released from his team, and waiting on the highest bidder to pick us up! We are children of God! We are already placed on the winning bracket of God's teams! The Lord can provide all our needs, and we want to negotiate our blessings. We need to shut the door in Satan's face and tell him, I cannot be traded! My contact is for life. We are not to be afraid of the devil defeating us! We are to believe what the Word of God said. The Word of God told us we could have victory over the enemy!

You remember the movie 'The Negotiator' with Sam Jackson, who in an anxious attempt to prove his innocence, from a competent police negotiator, who accused him of exploitation and murder when he took hostages in a government agency to obtain the time he needed to find the truth. We do not have to do that! Christ already negotiated our innocence and paid the price. Do not let Satan negotiate! We have the authority to order the devil to flee. We are to "submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee" (James 4:7).

Jesus gave us the keys to freedom, authority, and release from the enemies' captivity. You do not have to negotiate your freedom; use your authority and shut the door in Satan's face.
Follow us on twitter: @1wordmovement @monicajoneword

Much love,

Monica Johnson "Unstoppable"