Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Today's OneWord is "Question" 

Questions? What causes so many Christians to accept being average? What is holding us back? How is it that we have all power and authority, yet we live in so much bondage? We talk about the land of milk and honey every day, but we are stuck at the bank of the red sea! How long are we going to stand there? Do not allow people to give us Scriptures that they have not used! Ask them questions, "How did you use them?" 

It is time out for just accepting what we have been told. God is always given us Word, but what are we doing with the Word we are given. How do you activate the Word in our lives? How do we make it a reality? How does our faith (things hoped for) become substance? How do we walk out the promises? We can have all the talk we want and all the ideas, but if we do not walk with boldness and confidence, we are undermining God's plans. We should be tired of being inspired and seek being transformed. 

We should be tired of people speaking in tongues, being slain on the floor, at the altar every Sunday and no change in their lives. Religion has caused so many of us to know the Word, quote the Word, but die in the wilderness. I do not know about you, but I am not dying in the wilderness. My eleven-day trip is over. I am not wandering for forty years trying to get to land of milk and honey. I am going somewhere. 

We have no more excuses. Rise up today, follow the path, seek His guidance, and look for the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. Today start asking questions. 


OneWordMovement - Help us to reach 1 Million individuals Winning with OneWord by Working Your OneWord! 

Much love,
Monica Johnson "Unstoppable"
Founder of OneWordMovement Inc
Youtube: OneWordMovement Inc or Monica Johnson
contact # 763-MY.1.WORD or763-691-9673
Winning with OneWord by Working Your OneWord!

1 comment:

  1. Basically, you answered your own question in the very first paragraph. You guys are stuck at the Red Sea waiting on your invisible ogre in the sky.

    The world is run by critical-thinking individuals — not those who claim that they “have all the power and authority”. That‘s the ultimate lack of humility. To not only think it, but BELIEVE that you know the old dude who created the universe personally — and that he loves you and only the few who think like you.

    There’s a reason Bill Gates is an atheist AND wealthy. There is a reason Einstein was an atheist and most revered. Sir Newton, These people are freethinkers who think for themselves and are not told how to live their lives from some ancient, stone-age way of thinking.

    Two hands working are always more productive than 2,000 hands in prayer.
