Friday, October 12, 2012


Today's OneWord is 'Courage'

Father this morning, I pray that You grant Your children the opportunity to walk by faith and not by sight. Grant us the ability to write down the vision; write it clearly, so whoever reads it can run to tell others. I pray that You provide us the tenacity to tap into life and live the impossible. I ask that You superimpose Your understanding into us so we can comprehend "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me" (Phil 4:13). Nothing can stop us from accomplishing what You have placed inside of us. Father, I ask that You grant us the strength to do the assignment You have assigned.

I declare that You unlock doors that need to be opened and close doors that should be shut. Father, do not let us just face opportunities and problems, but attack them. Help us to pull every evil plot from the root. Teach us how to eliminate and abolish all strongholds placed over our life. Father, Jesus said to them, "I have come that they may have life and that they might have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). We want more joy, more peace, more understanding, and more love for one another. Therefore, Father, I ask You to grant Your children influence and wisdom to never be afraid.

Father would You bestow upon us the faith to believe that You can move mountains when we ask. Provide us the courage to speak those things as though they are. Father, I pray we realize we are significant to You. I pray we live a life that makes a difference. Father would You award us strength, healing, and understanding today. Father would You stir up our heart to rise up and take our rightful places as Your official representatives. Allow us not to stand on the sidelines and accept anything that Satan sends our way. Let us fight the good fight of faith and beat Satan at his own game.

I declare and decree victory in our lives.
In the Mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen!

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Much love,
Monica Johnson "Unstoppable"
Founder of OneWordMovement Inc
Youtube: OneWordMovement Inc or Monica Johnson
contact # 763-MY.1.WORD or 763-691-9673
Winning with OneWord by Working Your OneWord!

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