Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Break Free!

You have heard the saying, 'Don't sweat the small stuff'. A lot of people spend way too much time, energy, and thoughts on petty, insignificant, trivial, and minor things. We are to ignore people talking about us, lying on us, and gossiping about us. These nooses are a trick of the enemy and a waste of your time. Sometimes not realizing these snares are used as ignition to set you off the deep end to angry outburst that blows things way out of proportion. What is actually being required of us is change. Change to focus on being set free from what people think about us. What people think about you should not control your day! We give people way too much credit and our time. I believe change is an opportunity to grow. Change is not easy. It requires some action on our parts. Change can be uncomfortable, but it's necessary.
When deciding to change we must know that it will challenge us to stay the way we used be. It may seem overwhelming when we look at the whole picture of our life. But we must remember that God requires us to change so He can take us from glory to glory. We must be motivated to change. I am reminded of a statement by George Mueller that said, "The first thing I do each day is make myself happy in God." That means set your mind that no matter what, I am determined to enter into each day with a focus on what God says to change. A day that God's help is available to keep me from falling back into my negative patterns that used to govern my life. I will focus on what God has said about me and not sweat the small stuff.
I never want to go back to my life in defeat or concentrate on what other people say about me. I am fearless, because God used my brokenness to bring me to a place of ministry and authenticity that I would have never known. It was not until I stop sweating the small stuff that God released in me the ability to have a true servant attitude of humility and compassion for His kingdom.
I still have a long way to go, but I have put the enemy on notice: he may try to make my life difficult, but he can never make me give up or quit. I am a child of God and so are you. We may be forced to make some radical decisions and choices which will require us to possess a steadfast mind, 'I am not going back to the way it used to be'. We have been held prisoner, controlled by negative and misleading thoughts, and destructive behavior for too long. We are being set free today. Break free from what people say about you, break free from what you say about yourself, and live in freedom with what God has promised you!
You are free!
Much love,


Monica Johnson
Founder of OneWordMovement Inc
contact # 763-MY.1.WORD or 763-691-9673
Winning with OneWord by Working Your OneWord!

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