Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Who's Your Daddy?

What if you were given 2 hours to make your movie what would you live out? How many of the abuses would you include? Would you include the mental abuse from your family? What about the alcohol abuse to hide the pain? Then there is the sexual abuse because what goes on in this house stays in this house. Do you want to include the physical abuse that would cause him to be insecure as a man but will hit you as a woman? What about the drug abuse and verbal abuse being called anything but your name. And please don't leave out the church abuse. A lot of church members are over medicated in a ministry to hide their problems and pain.
Would you leave out the 1st affair or maybe the 2nd?  And your husband or wife stayed with you because God forgave you and they did too! What about the time you were in trouble and you got a free pass! Would you put that in the screenplay? What about the days and nights you spent in the dark because of your past hurts? And He wiped away your tears! Would you include all the gossip and lies that you had to deal with regularly from church folk? And He placed your enemies under your feet! What about the many times of fatigue and toil you experience when you had to work two or three jobs just to feed your children and keep your lights on? Would you include that in the movie? Think about it! Would you only include the good and not the bad!
I don't care what you have been through; you will begin to Thank God for His goodness! You will thank Him for the making of your movie! You Thank Him for life, forgiveness, and grace and mercy. We were saved by grace! We have been kept by grace! It was grace that sustained us! It was grace that woke you up this morning! Mercy let Mary and Martha wept but Grace raised Lazarus from the dead. Mercy gave you a job; but Grace paid you bills. Mercy gave you money but Grace put food on your table. And if the truth be told what you experienced was not even for you!  It was for God to reveal His glory to someone!
God wants us to get our mind off ourselves and ourselves off our minds. No matter what we go through God wants us to never give up. We should not lose heart in our walk with the Lord. We should not become discouraged or fainthearted, not complain or 'throwing in the towel' or quitting in our service to Him. We have to understand that all we have suffered were for others benefit. And all Glory would go to God!  Even though sometimes we want to lose heart at times, we can never give up. Even in spite of the terrible things you have endured you must remember we will have trails and tribulations for the cause of the gospel, but God mercifully will up uphold your spirit.
2 Corinthians 4:8-12 (ESV) says, "…We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies".
God is faithful. He says my Grace is sufficient for thee. That means His strength can prevail in any trail. He comforts and uses us so we can comfort others. When we are being afflicted, persecuted, or stuck down. There is one thing I know for Sure! We can take God at His Word and act on it! When you begin to take His Word and use it! You will not have to pray your needs because once you begin speaking God's Word; He will automatic answer your needs. You will begin to pray for someone else's needs. I know it can be easy to give up or to doubt. When struggling with pain, it can be easy to questions God's goodness. But we must stay focus on God's faithfulness, love, and never give up!
The Bible says, "For we walk by faith and not by sight"! Regardless of what we are going through, God is with us. Keep focus on Him and His love.  We must know the great power behind God's plans for our life.  I know the road may be hard, and the hill may be steep but we have to push pass our pain and look from whence does our help come from! Our help comes from our Daddy.
We think that people are our problems. They are not our problems. We have believed the devil and his lies far too long. Our mouth has been our deterrent.  If God is for us then nobody can turn or twist what He said. Pain has a way of making time slow down. We must understand that it really doesn't matter who we are, what kind of connections we have, where we live, what kind of car we drive, how we dress, or how much we have attained in life. We will experience pain and pain is not prejudice! God will make use of everything pain in your life if you let Him.
No matter what happens in your life if you continue to trust God, believe God, loving God, walking in His will, God will cause everything to work out for your good. I mean Everything! Whatever happened to you in your past may not have been good but because He is good and He can take a very painful situation and cause it to work out for your good. I don't know about you but what I have read, experienced, and believed; I have never seen Him lose a case! I learned in my life with all the suffering I have endured. And in the mist of the all the pain, "This pain would not last" is was part of my movie! And don't you know I am nominated for a GRAMMY!
God wants us to hang on,  it is not going to last,  and what you experience now is minor compared to what He has in store for us. We have to believe what the WORD says. God says His Promises are Yes and Amen! As a believer, when you are experiencing pain & hard times there is a right response and there is a wrong response.
Let me give you some examples of some right responses. You remember the story of Joseph. He went from the pit to the palace. In His story we see the ultimate power of forgiveness in spite of pain. You know the story of Ester, who was hurt when her life and plans were changed and she was taken into the King's harem. She risked her life to speak to the King and God used her to save her nation.
In the making of your movie you will be challenge to test the validity, the strength, and the tenacity of your walk with God when you can forgive while you are hurting. In most congregations, there are too many wounded people on every level, who are serving from a perspective of hurt. Marriages are breaking up today because people are hurting and can not find healing. Too many kids are going astray because they are hurt and can not find healing! People are angry on their jobs because of hurt. Why? Hurt with no healing? Just look around when you are out – some many people are hurting and have no one to talk to. Yet, we just want to give them a scripture to use. I tell people all the time, "Do not give me a scripture you have not used". When I read the Bible there is applications, life stories, and experiences with those scriptures. Please tell me how you used the scriptures so I can use them!  
As we learn through our suffering, and we remain faithful through our suffering, God sees, and God will more than compensate us for what we have gone through.  You may have cried yesterday but God is ready to make you laugh today! When you renew your mind and start speaking God's Word; He will make your Spirit scream Reject!  Reject! It does not agree with God's Word and what He told me!
Let me remind you that there is a queen and a king in you. The queen in you is waiting to move forward past your pain. You were born to be great! No matter what the conditions are. He will make you win over your failures. You will win over your setbacks. You will win over sickness and disease.  You will win over disappointment and discouragement. You will win over pain and poverty and you will win over the attacks of your character and your purpose.
God wants us to walk it out! We are so wrapped up in what is seen that we fail to see the unseen. Some women are looking for a man, who is six feet, has a six Pack and makes six figures. Who does not realize until she gets him he could be the Antichrist! We should read God's Word, believe God's Word, and change the things that are seen into the things that we desire.
You have to begin to declare and decree a thing with God's Word. Do you know Faith is unseen? No one can stop your from reaching your destiny but you! Don't put a limit on God! The decision is yours. You can change the seen and shape the unseen by the Word of God. The devil has tried to con us into believing God's Word won't work, but that is not true!  That's a trick of the enemy! Speaking God's Word works! He has tried to convince us that God did not mean what He said! You have to begin to get in Satan's face and tell Satan never again! Tell Satan and his 'minions' they have been put on noticed and normally you require a 24 hour notice of cancellation. But you, Satan, are fired!
There is nothing that God can't do! He is waiting us to take authority in His Word. As a believer you have the authority to allow or disallow.  You have to train people on how to treat you! If you don't they will think the way that treat you is fine! It's not fine. When you begin to declare the Word of God, the Word will work, if you work it! And by declaring the Word of God; we can walk it out in the Word of God! Do you know that faith can SEE? Just as Abraham and Sarah's changed the seen and shaped the unseen with their words, based on God's Word.  So your words, based upon the authority of God's Word, can change the things around you! The things around you are shaped by God's Word and your confession! You change the seen with God's Word!
The scripture tells us that, "Faith comes by hearing the word of God".  And if you are not hearing the Word of God then you will not have faith. When you begin to walk it out!  Don't be blown away by the dark days you have experienced. Somebody is about to see the star that is you! Ask the Lord to disconnect you from losers, fakes, phonies, and people who are not going no where and do not mean you any good! Ask Him to remove people who speak defeat over your life. Ask Him to direct your path to people with love, integrity, dreams, and encouragement who can bring the star out of you.
Because you will never give up; you know that trouble don't last always; you are willing to walk it out! You can only do these steps when you know who's your daddy? In spite of the all the pain I encountered my Daddy has upheld my spirit. I want you to know that God is my Daddy! I know my Daddy is faithful. I know my Daddy loves me. I know my Daddy's grace was sufficient for any trail. I know how to drop my Daddy's Name!
I ask you today, "Who's your Daddy?" I know a lot of us don't know who I daddy is? We forgot who He really is, or who we belong too! We want to call our earthly daddy help us deal with pain or disappointments. We all have experience pain, hurts, and mistrust from people.
The roots of not knowing our earthly fathers have resulted in generations after generations of pain because we don't know we have a Heavenly Daddy! Now we have a generations or people who don't know how to raise generations who are in need. What we see are abused children in grown up pain looking for identity in affirmation, acceptance, and approval because they don't know their daddy? We see a lot of women of all ages trying to find validation from a man to fill their loneliness because they missed their daddy's love. We have women of all ages listening and dancing to "Bussing It Wide Open" by Lil Kee and "Dance Like a Stripper" because their daddy didn't tell them their body is a temple and their mind is a terrible thing to waste. We see women meeting in the dark places to keep from being seeing with someone else's husband because their daddy didn't tell them they don't have to settle for being second.  There are a lot of women are filling their minds with Real Housewives of this, Basketball Wives of that and Love & Hip Hop drama because their daddy didn't tell them they don't have to pimp themselves to make money.  We see young women listening to Chingy "Bounce That" and T Cash "Spread Your Leg" because their daddy's didn't tell them they were a queen and you don't have to put out to be with a no name king!
The reasons I can say these things I had to learn "Who's my Daddy"? No matter the struggle, no matter the low self esteem, and no matter what people said.  I kept remembering Jeremiah 1:4-5, "The word of the Lord came to me saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, Before you were born I set you apart", I knew God was My Daddy! My Daddy told me obedience is better than sacrifice. He told me to never give up. He said my troubles will not last always and I just needed to walk it out! When people don't support and love you because of their jealousies, envies, and so on! They just don't understand the call on your life! When God reveal the truth to me about whom I was and whose I was; I believed it and had faith, no matter how the opposition tried to discredit me, I just kept on walking it out!
He is the Daddy that can wipe away your tears. He is the Daddy that can heal and take your pain away. He is the Daddy that can restore you to newness. He is the Daddy that forgives. He is the Daddy that holds you in His arms and speaks life into you. He is the Daddy that will allow a real King to find you! He is a Daddy to the fatherless. Because He is your Daddy you can Trust Him with your secrets. Because He is Your Daddy, His love is perfect and will cast out fear! His love is unconditional and won't fail. His love does not cause pain. His love is so strong you can be healed. There is no molestation in your Daddy; He will not abuse you! There is no rejection in your Daddy; He will never leave you. There is no low-self esteem in your Daddy; He created you beautiful.
However, let me tell You If you ever had any doubts and was unsure Who's Your Daddy? I had a meeting with the judge on Monday and a DNA test was taken for OneWordMovement's reader and before I grafted this blog today. I received the results!
OneWordMovement reader the result says, "God is NOT excluded as the biological Father of OneWordMovement reader. This means that God is highly likely to be YOUR DADDY because the analysis shows that you and Him share a paternity relationship. The results are 100% God is Your Daddy?
When things look the darkest, your Daddy will give you a revelation, He will give you OneWord because He's you Daddy! And you will take that OneWord and it will sustain you, lift you up, keep you going, and put a smile on your face.
Stay in God's word when adversity is the hottest. The safest place is in Him.  Don't you know God spoke OneWord to Peter and he got out that boat on OneWord and that OneWord was "COME". Your Daddy wants you to come to Him Today!
Who's Your Daddy?
Much love,
Monica Johnson "Unstoppable"
Founder of OneWordMovement Inc
Winning with OneWord by Working Your OneWord!

1 comment:

  1. I once was one of those women seeking validation from men because I did not know my natural dad. He left my mother(his wife) when I was in her womb.
    Imagine the rejection I felt. But when I got the revelation of my Heavenly Father, it all changed. My daddy held me and comforted me and told me I was loved. Thank God, I now know my daddy.
