Thursday, November 8, 2012


Today's OneWord is "Never"

When we have faith; we genuinely believe what God says. However, true faith displays itself in our actions. The Word of God says we are not saved by doing the correct works, but if we are saved, we will do the correct works because of being saved. Many times, we see people merely talking about faith, but as the Word says, "Faith without works is dead." Just talking about faith does not mean that we have faith. Today, let us check our faith by asking ourselves, "What promises has the Lord made to us that we presently trust Him to bring to fruition?" How are we responding?

Are we just going around quoting Christian clichés, 'I have faith of a mustard seed,' 'I am blessed and highly favored,' and 'Nothing is impossible for God?' Unless, there are actions, and our ways are pleasing to God, our faith is just blah, blah, and blah. We are just talking nonsense, empty babble.

It is easy to ignore a problem than to address it. If we have faith, we can stand and go through the problem knowing that the testing of our faith will produce perseverance and steadfastness will produce faith. Each of us is guilty of running from our problems. God has not made us cowards, but strong in His might. The more we ignore the problem the more difficult the issues become. We have to deal with it. Face it head on. Do not beat around the bush or peak around the corner. We are men and women of God who has already won the battle. Let us fight the right fight of faith.

Heavenly Father thank You for Your love and kindness. Heavenly Father, we ask you to forgive us when the words of our mouth have been fear-filled and negative than faith-filled. We need Your grace, which is only accessed through faith to help us grow stronger in Your Word. Today, we are declaring and decreeing some never again. Never again will we allow the devil to do what he wants in our life, but we will resist him, and he will flee. Never again will we listen or be vexed by an unclean spirit. Never again will we allow our faith to be hinder by generational curses in our life. We break every curse, for we have been redeemed. Never again will we allow the enemy to control our will, but we will submit our will to the will of God. Never again will we be beneath and not above. Never again will be we the tail, but the head. Never again will we allow the enemy to control our emotions, but live with joy and the peace of God. Never again will we walk by sight, but walk by faith. We declare and decree that we will live according to Your promises. And Your promises are 'Yes and Amen'. We love You and honor You. Amen.
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Much love,
Monica Johnson "Unstoppable"
Founder of OneWordMovement Inc
Youtube: OneWordMovement Inc or Monica Johnson
contact # 763-MY.1.WORD or 763-691-9673
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