Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bloom Where He Planted You!

Bloom Where He Planted You! 
If someone were to look at your life, would they be able to describe you as a flourishing orchid in the center court of a royal garden? Think for a moment, a garden keeper spends days and nights watering, pruning, caring and feeding for this plant so that they can grow beautiful and strong. An orchid is a flower of magnificence that brings universal message of love, beauty, wisdom, thoughtfulness, and strength.  Orchids are one of the most popular flowers in the world. They are able to draw attention where ever they are. They have the ability to grow anywhere and have the resistance to bloom under any condition. Orchids come in a variety of sizes and are famous for their colors and you can find every imaginable color and shade. The royal garden is beautiful. Why? So the king will not be ashamed. The beauty of his garden brings Him glory. And how do we bring the allegory of the orchid into our real lives? Through our worship, prayer, and focus on the wisdom of God. He knows all things, and we can trust and worship Him with our lives. If we live in a constant state of worship, we will be feeding our roots so they will grow deep in the garden of our Lord.
That's why we are to praise God for His love and faithfulness! One of our greatest gifts from God is our ability to praise Him. We can access Him24/7 under any condition and bloom right where He has us planted. We can repent, give Him glory, give Him thanks, bless His Holy Name, and acknowledge His works in our lives and tell Him our stories.
Think about the faithful runners in the OT, who did not have access to Jesus yet. They had great rigorous requirements placed on their worship of God, yet they found joy, they danced, and sung praises to His name. They were able to draw on the strength of the Lord and bring His garden glory.
Sometimes, it's hard to know why God allows things to happen. Sometimes the wicked prosper. Some faith runners fell to tragic lows over ridiculous sins. At times, Peter struggled with his temper; Moses failed to see God in small things, David couldn't control his lust. Tamar was impatient, and Rahab was a high price call girl.  But through everything hardship and blessing, trails and rewards, valleys and mountains, they worship God. His is our center and our reason for being. 
When the trails of this life are too dark and too confusing for you to find words or call His name. Look to those who have gone before. He has been faithful for thousands of generations. Look at Joseph when his feet were in chains, he didn't give up hope. When the Israelites thought they would die as slaves in a foreign land, God rescued them. When the woman with the issue of blood had spent all she had, God healed her. God our Great Protector and Redeemer wants us to bloom in the royal garden He has planted us in.
Take a moment to think over your pruning, caring, watering and feeding you will begin to sing, "Oh, I give thanks to the Lord, for His is good! For His mercy endures forever. Bloom where He has planted you!
Much love,
Monica Johnson
Founder of OneWordMovement Inc
contact # 763-MY.1.WORD or763-691-9673
Winning with OneWord by Working Your OneWord!

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