Thursday, August 1, 2013

Today's OneWord is "Overcomer"

Today's OneWord is "Overcomer"

Father, we come to You in the name of Jesus. With the help of the Holy Spirit and by Your grace, we enter the throne room of gratitude this morning to make a joyful noise, and serve You with gladness. We come before Your presence with singing. We know that You are God. We know You made us and we are the sheep of Your pasture.
Our Father, we pray that You would keep us from being snared by the words of our mouth. We know that there is power in the Word to break every chain. You have promised that whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles (Prov. 21:23). Help us to put a guard over our mouth to stay out of trouble. We speak Your Word and the chains of mental abuse are being broken off our family and our house.
We declare every generational curse is falling from our lives. We know that greater is coming because we speak Your Word. We know that death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit (Prov. 18:21). We speak life to our circumstances. We speak healing to our bodies, increase to our finances, and overflow in our love towards others.
Father, hide Your Word in our heart so that there is no attraction to sin. We pray to run from evil, from impurity, from negative deeds, thoughts, and words. Let us be drawn to what is pure and acceptable in Your presence.
Bless the work of our hands, and may we be able to live according to the original plans and purpose of our life doing the work we love and to do our best. Let our talents and gifts not be wasted, watered down, idle, misused, abused, or used to glorify man but You, God.
Lord, help us to embrace this present time in our life that is hard to get our understanding around. Enable us to see with 20/20 vision to see You in them. Help us to always acknowledge Your goodness, faithfulness, and love to us. We give our burdens and deepest struggles to You. Thank You for giving us the footsteps to wholeness and carrying us when we could not carry ourselves.
We are grateful for the victories and accomplishments we have experienced in spite of our hurts, sickness, disappointments, and trails. You used them all for the good when Satan meant them for destruction.
We are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimonies. We seal this prayer in the name of Jesus, amen.
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Much love,

Monica Johnson "Unstoppable"
Founder of OneWordMovement Inc
Youtube: OneWordMovement Inc or Monica Johnson
contact # 763-MY.1.WORD or 763-691-9673
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