Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Today's OneWord is "Stronger"

If the world controls our thoughts then we are followers; if God controls our thinking, we are converters. If we support the world's behaviors and rituals, we become a replica of the world. If God allows us to renew our minds, we become new creatures. When we are strong, in faith, we believe spiritual truth, and we live by it.

Those who are strong in faith must be considerate of those who are sensitive. We were not created to satisfy ourselves. We were created to help each other grow. We should help each other do what is right. We are to build each other up in the Lord. Christ our Savior did not live to please Himself. Often Christians create tremendous conflicts because we have become cowards of confronting wrongdoing. Paul tells us that we are to be free from the concerns of this life. We are to face our responsibilities honestly.

Christians need to have discernment, but we are not to act like God in passing judgment. We must examine our own lives before we try to help others. Love does not sweep the dirt under the mat and walk away. If we are acting in love, then we are walking in truth. Ephesians 4:15 states, "Speak the truth in love." If a person has sinned against us, we are to talk to them privately and attempt to resolve the dispute. If the person listens, we have unity.

If we suffer for doing what is praiseworthy, God will reward us. People may hurt us, but they cannot harm us. If a person is accustomed to doing wrong, most mirrors become dirtier and dirtier until the glass is so stained that they cannot see themselves. If we are to continue to look at ourselves in the mirror, we must deal with sin in our lives and confess it quickly. We have to keep our mirrors clean, and spend time in God's Word. God's Word is true. Therefore, we must pay attention to the Word and take its message seriously.

The more we are in the Word the stronger we become. As chosen people, we are called to live worthy of our calling and not follow the world's way of doing things. We are to live in love and wisdom because we are God's children. Anything less than that then we do not realize we are part of His royal priesthood. We are stronger than we have ever been.

Go in peace, love, and joy. Knowing that where ever you are God is making you stronger.



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Monica Johnson "Unstoppable"
Founder of OneWordMovement Inc
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