Friday, August 24, 2012


Most Gracious Father, I come to You this morning with love and thanksgiving in my heart because of who You are. There is no one greater than You. Our Prince of Peace, our Lily of the Valley, our Bright and Morning Star, Alpha and Omega and the Love of my life. I pray for myself and everyone that You will send forth Your Word to heal and deliver us from destruction. Father this is between You and each one of us that our worship flow to You! Allow our worship to resonate in our heart to hear Your voice.
Father remove the inner emptiness of loneliness. And fill us with solitude of inner peace. We desire to cultivate an inner silence that allows us to know that we are never alone. Father, 2 Timothy 1:7 declares, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." Even in the midst of chaos and confusion, we will sense and feel Your presence. We take You on Your Word that You will never leave nor forsake us.
Gracious Father can you grant us inner stability from the inner turmoil? Can You expose the root of our hurts? Will You pull the strongholds up from the roots? Father, we ask for Your help in identifying the spirits by name so that we can call and cast them out! We know the name of Jesus has supremacy and authority over every name. Lord some of the roots are so long and deep that we need Your power and strength to sever the personality from its origin. Terminate every root of abandonment, anger, addition, adultery, alcoholism, anxiety, bitterness, brokenhearted, control, familiar spirits, headstrong, jealousy, insecurity, perfectionism, unforgiven, and prideful spirits in the Name of Jesus.
Gracious Lord can You teach us the discipline of when to be silence and when to speak? Grant us control and wisdom when to seek Your counsel or wise advisors. Let us operate with the attitude to complete what needs to be performed when it needs to be done. God assist us to examine the character of what we think and how we act. Help us to refuse the enemy at the onset and not let him into our space. Father because You are with us, we are going to take a firm stand against every plot, tactic, and plan of the enemy that has been set up against us and our families. We are going to speak and put Your Word on him. We are going to take him by the neck and remind him of whose armor we are wearing. Holy Spirit arrest the enemy's strategies: disorder, distraction, and disagreement that seeks after your children with Your glory.
I pray that Your blessings rest upon us today. I pray that we are pleasing and obedient to receive the abundance of life that You promised. I ask that Your grace and mercy guide us as we go about our day. I pray that we have favor with You. And allow Your blessings to grant favor with man. We believe this prayer by calling upon You knowing You will show us exceedingly and mighty things in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Much love,


Monica Johnson
Founder of OneWordMovement Inc
contact # 763-MY.1.WORD or 763-691-9673
Winning with OneWord by Working Your OneWord!

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