Monday, August 27, 2012


Most Gracious Father, I come to You this morning with love, admiration, honor, thanksgiving, gratefulness, and praise unto You. We are forever grateful that throughout Scripture we are told, "You are a forgiving God, filled with masses of love, gracious, compassionate, and amazingly patient with Your children. We are grateful that You sent Your Son to save and seek the lost. We thank You for Your presence in our lives.
This morning Father, I ask a remarkable blessing for Your children. I ask that You grant them divine healing now in every area of their lives, mind, will, emotions, spirit, and physical being in accordance with Your Divine Purpose for their life from the original plan You intended. I ask that You bless them beyond measures and increase their territories. Father grant them the oil of joy for their mourning, spirit of praise for their heaviness, sweet sleep for their rest, and a fresh new release of Your favor, love, and compassion.
Father fill them with Your blessings, anointing, gifts, and all else You have for them. Father enhance their spiritual eyes so that they can see clearly. I ask that You give them a new heart of understanding to be led by You. Father help them to boldly speak about Your goodness and awesomeness. I ask that You strengthen their confidence. I ask for a full measure of Your blessing upon them so that they can be a blessing to others. Father let Your children know how precious they are to You. 1 Peter 2:9 says, "You are chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, people who belong to God. You were chosen to tell about the excellent qualities of God, who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." Your Word said that when You speak, Your words do not return to You without accomplishing what You sent them to do. Father give Your children the knowledge and the capacity to comprehend the visions you have for their life.
God pour out Your anointing on them. Let them receive Your anointing in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Let Your love shine so brightly through them into others as an act of worship to You. I ask that Your Anointing destroys and break all yokes of bondage with all their mind, ego, thoughts, desires, and emotions. I ask You to abolish and confiscate all vain imaginations, deceptions, and any demonic strongholds that are in their mind. Father cast them aside and send them back from whence they came in the Name of Jesus.
Father, I ask You to destroy any words, influences, declarations, and decrees that have been spoken over them, their marriages, their children, their finances, their businesses, their ministries, their grandchildren, and their homes. I ask the weapon that is formed not prosper because they do not conform to Your will for their lives.
Father I have prayed today according to John 14:14, "If you ask me anything in My name, I will do it." I ask all these things in the Mighty Name of Jesus and seal it with His blood. Amen.
Much love,
Monica Johnson
Founder of OneWordMovement Inc
contact # 763-MY.1.WORD or 763-691-9673
Winning with OneWord by Working Your OneWord!

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