Saturday, February 1, 2014

Today's OneWord is Redeemed!

Today's OneWord is Redeemed! 

I believe as Christians, we take the Word of God and use it against people thinking we are bringing them closer, but in actuality we are pushing people farther. We pull certain Scripture out that will only show them the bad of their life, but never expound on the reality of teaching them how to live the experiences of live.  God wants representatives of Him to tell them how to overcome the fallen aspects of their life.  We tell them they are all wretches undone but don't tell them how to live a redeemed life in this fallen world.  There is nothing worse than using what is suppose to inspire, ignite, inform and cause a life changing transformation send people back to bondage because man has mis represented what the Word of God is saying. We should be sick and tired of playing church. It's about relationship with GOD!!!! Yes, we were born fallen, but God sent His only Son and gave us redemption. Teach people to live a redeemed life! A redeemed life allows one to see that man can be fallen but Glory be to God one does not have to live there. Too many people have taking their growing up playing church into trying to use those same tactics in what's suppose to be relational with God. Then they lay hands on people transferring the playing church of ta, ta, ta, and tell people they have the gift of speaking in tongues. Emotionalism is killing Christians! People have played church so long they come to church get a quick high then before they leave the church parking lot there was no transformation. People is getting hurt and too many Christians are committing suicide because they have allowed the python spirit to squeeze the life out of them until they are dead. Again I repeat, if we are going to give people Scripture let us have a relationship with God were the transparency of our life is living it! I believe, we should not forsake the Assembly of God. However, I believe that the assembly of God is a place to worship God and learn of His attributes that can help one experience life, and it teaches one to overcome the fallen aspects of their life to live REDEEMED!

Much love, 
Monica Johnson

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