Saturday, September 29, 2012


Today's OneWord is 'Acceptance'
A lot of time, we live with an identity crisis. We are seeking either acceptance or feel rejected. In addition, for some rejection has been so devastating that it affected our whole life and all of our relationships. When a person feels rejected, it is a sense of being unwanted. Who does not desire people to love them? Who does not want to fit in or be part of a group? Somehow, we are always on the outside looking in.
For many years, I lived with the wounds of betrayal and shame, which produced the feelings of not being wanted or accepted. My spirit had been crippled and crushed because of great difficulties that I experienced in life. I allow the devil to use his foreknowledge that God wanted to use me to keep me in bondage. However, God, allowed me first to understand the truth behind my feeling of rejection. When did it first happen? What opened the windows to rejection? How can rejection they be treated?
Acknowledging that there is a problem is the first step. Being willing to go to the root of the issue is the most urgent task. We cannot stay on the surface and deal with this type of stronghold. We must go to the root of the issue and seek God's help. God has designed us so that every person in the world craves love by someone. My problem was that I never had the parental love, as a child growing up, especially a father, that I did not feel satisfied, fulfilled or secure. This act alone exposed me to the emotional baggage of rejection. In addition, for many years, I lived there.
I realized rejection was a curse from the pit of hell. We can choose God's remedy of healing and break this generational curse. I realized that God offered me acceptance. I can come to Him through Jesus. "He has made us accepted in the Beloved' (Ephesians 1:6). In other words, we are the apple of His eye and He has highly favored us.
Today, let us release ourselves from this curse and walk into victory. God loves us just the same way He loves His Son, Jesus. It is time for us to deal with the roots so we can stop dressing rejection up in St John, Prada, Missy Me, Versace', and Chanel. The damage is on the inside; it is causing too much pain. Ask God to bring you to the decisive moment and walk in acceptance. You are not alone the Holy Spirit is with you. If you yield to Him, He will heal you.
Say this prayer: Chivalrous God, I ask you to heal me from rejection so I can accept myself. I will not belittle myself. I will not criticize myself. I am not my own. I belong to You. I forgive all who has rejected me. I forgive all how has hurt me and failed to show me love. I accept myself the way I am. I declare and decree, I am released from the evil spirit of rejection. Thank You! I am accepted. In Jesus' name, Amen

OneWordMovement - 1 Million individuals Winning with OneWord by Working Your ...
Much love,
Monica Johnson "Unstoppable"
Founder of OneWordMovement Inc
Youtube: OneWordMovement Inc or Monica Johnson
contact # 763-MY.1.WORD or 763-691-9673
Winning with OneWord by Working Your OneWord!

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