Friday, January 20, 2012

He is strengthening You!

 He is strengthening you in your trails this morning!


Lord, You are our Sustainer and our Rock. We love You and honor You, Lord with all our beings. Lord, as I pray, it seems that trails, discouragements, and other enemies surround Your children every day. I intercede when they are faced with these situations that are out of their control and obstacles seem unbearable; let them recognize they can come to You.  Superimpose their mind to be familiar with Your Grace.  You are the strength they need and You can deliver them. Grant back to their remembrance You have the power to do what You have promised.


Lord while they are going through these trails allow them to recognize that in the midst of these circumstances You are building their character and drawing them near to You in every situation. The Bible says, “It is God who arms me with strength, And makes my way perfect” (Psalms 18:32).  Therefore, Father, I want to thank You for Your faithfulness to hear them, to rescue them, and to guide them.


Lord, some of them have or will experience a season of depression. And they will not feel quite like themselves; they want understand why they can’t seem to get out of a bad fame of mind. Nothing seems to be going right, they don’t enjoy family time or being around others, sleep doesn’t satisfy their need to rest, and it seems that their mind is always at war. Father, I ask You to grant them peace. And guide them to focus on Your goodness and faithfulness through this season.  God they are acquainted with the end of the story – God is victorious. So please remind them, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all” (Psalms 34:19).


God, the Your children, know You reign over all. And they are sometimes overwhelmed by the mercy You grant them daily. So when their mind deceive them and when their will grow faint, let them remember Your promises and know You are with them and will not leave them, that You are there even when they cannot see You. Help them to open their heart, trusting You to take care of all their needs.


In the Omnipotent name of Jesus, I seal this prayer with the incredible love and hand of Jesus.  Amen!


 Much love,

Monica Johnson

Founder of OneWordMovement Inc



Winning with OneWord by Working Your OneWord!


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