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Saturday, February 28, 2015
Wide Open
An #audacious person dreams with their eyes wide open.

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Audacious Alert
Audacious Alert: Bold people make it happen! However, it depends personally on ownership of the virtuosity of determination and drive. Embracing the shift with bravery will require tenacity and a fight for knowing the reason for being here. An awake person is called to alter history, and must be willing to make a courageous stand for not doing what has always been done. They are daring and will be something different. An audacious person is ready to pay the ultimate price to maintain his integrity. However, the impact will not come sitting on the sideline; they must be prepared to go to work. He/She must be prepared to be wide-awake. They do not let people tell them that having confidence is negative. Confidence is brilliance. It is time to lean-in and embraces the stirring that is happening within you. You cannot even sleep at night for the dream, the imaginary of fire, and the opportunity to live the authenticity of self. The alarm has sounded awakening the change agent within, to dig deeper and discover the audacious promise of your God-given purpose that cannot be fulfilled by anyone except you. Be the #Audacious you to transform the world! #daring #bold #love #forgiveness #freedom #greatness #serenity #peace #footprint #mission #enthusiasm #exposure #excitement #energy #leadership #confidence #purpose

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Thursday, February 26, 2015
Tears Alert
Tears Alert: The drop of a tear is the ability to feel. The drop of two tears displays compassion. The cry of a river cleanses the soul. It's okay to cry, but you must weep with a purpose. Weeping heals the hurt, expresses the disappointment, and awaken the mind to know that for such a time as now this too shall pass. You are still standing my Love. You are still here. No longer shed another tear for the sake of crying, but use your wailing to show gratitude that you are growing. Press on my Dear time waits for no one. Much love, Monica #Rise #love #gratitude #freedom #peace #tears #purpose #crying #forgiveness

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- Posted using BlogPress from my OneWordMovement
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Face-to-Face Alert: Excitement, energy, loves, and a smile about helping others in life is what retains me thriving with blessedness. One day, it will happen to you as it did to me when all the hurt you have built up inside comes racing you like a cyclone. Damage is its name, fought many times to get exposure, but every time it reared its monstrous head, we lift up invisible 12 feet barriers to protect ourselves. Then on one quiet remarkable day, when it can no longer be hidden, Damage requires a Face-to-Face meeting to emancipate the agony of many years of hurt. One thing I know for sure is that pain is real. We are all aware that it takes nine months to birth a baby. The baby grows inside the mother’s body with anticipation of ‘Coming to America’. When he/she arrives, the mother is above enthusiasm of allowing this bundle of joy to place a footprint on the world. Now image when the mother is not there to carry out this God-given mission. The baby’s trajectory in life was changed forever. Many people judge others when they have no idea of the suffering that they have endured. Let us remove the negative speech and remain silent. But God, freedom has come home. The time is now to confront what is hindering and hurting you. You have carried those pains more than nine months, for some it has been all your life. Freedom has come home. Let us join hands and let's walk together. Freedom has come home.
Love you more, Monica
#love #forgiveness #freedom #greatness #serenity #peace #footprint #mission #enthusiasm #exposure #excitement #energy #leadership

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Love you more, Monica
#love #forgiveness #freedom #greatness #serenity #peace #footprint #mission #enthusiasm #exposure #excitement #energy #leadership
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Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Rejection Alert: Sunrise gives you optimism; sunset gives your rest. What you do in between determines your destiny. However, without Love, it is impossible to succeed. Love is the antidote for all things. In life, there are times when you are called to participate with rising higher from every adverse component used as road blocks to keep you defensive. Living a life of fear, doubt, and judgment stifles you from enjoying the landscapes of life. These conditional traits are not used to change you for the betterment; they will destroy you. When you operate with the habits of fear and defensiveness you never fully commit, and nobody knows you. You have the tendency to give everything else to people, but never yourself. You are afraid of rejection; you take pride in being “independent”. This life allows you to accomplish many things on the outside, but you hide the authentic you on the inside. Love is transformative. Love heals all. It is time to move beyond, so you can soar. Move today to the authentic state of love, and your trajectory in life will change. #love #forgiveness #freedom #greatness #serenity #peace #gratitude #thankfulness #ignite #time #determination #humility #winner

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Monday, February 23, 2015
Sunday, February 22, 2015
You, my Dear, it's time to get up and build your life on solidarity. You are a beautiful creation with amazing things to accomplish and complete. Stop it! Don't play the victim, but be the one filled with love and #joy. Don't you know you are #SpirituallySweet with the capacity to spread love. Love is the only way. Love heals all things. Love forgives all wrong. Our Sovereign God first loved, so we are to love. Much love!

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- Posted using BlogPress from my OneWordMovement
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Your Story Matters
Friday, February 20, 2015
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Time Alert
Time Alert: The time has come, my Dear, when you will no longer be concerned about whether people like you are not. For it’s not what they speak that counts; but what you tolerate the ego to say to you that matters. When we comprehend so little about ourselves from God, we blindly allow others to tell us who we are. All too true, we allow the ego and others to limit us to their narrow spaces. As we become more aware, we realize that we are fighting too hard against others and ourselves; we stop the clock there. Far too long, we have allowed the Joker to tear at our confidence and create emotional defiance that consumes us from the inside out, leaving us cowardly and weak. Choose this day to hit your target, and finally root out all the things, which are holding you back from living an amazing life. Greatness belongs to you when you master your internal breathing space. For these reasons you must be aware that you have confidence, #illumination, vitality, determination, humility, and the audacity of intentionality to march forward. My Dear, time waits for no one…get up, get going, because you have the strength and tenacity to win. TIME IS TICKING! #leadership #love #forgiveness #freedom #greatness #serenity #peace #gratitude #thankfulness #ignite #time #determination #humility #winner

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- Posted using BlogPress from my OneWordMovement
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Plateau Alert
Plateau Alert: You can do anything if you BELIEVE. The effervescence of your creative state is wonderful; you must BELIEVE. You have enough strength to hold onto the edge of the mountain and not let go. Fear has left, because your destiny matters! You are at the edge filled with vigor. You departed the frailty of your environment, filled with negativity and bad attitudes, and connected yourself with people who are accomplishing goals and living unlimited. You are right in the plateau of a new horizon. Do not let the distractions of life take you off course and steal your enthusiasm. Find a way to BELIEVE that no matter the obstacles, you have the strength to bear and follow the path to the edge of your destiny. YOU MY DEAR ARE LIVING ON THE EDGE! #Leadership #love #forgiveness #freedom #greatness #serenity #peace #gratitude #thankfulness #ignite #believe #destiny
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Blossom Alert
Blossom Alert: What’s keeping you from living the life you desire? We all experience a life that may overwhelm at times, but my Dear do not get discouraged. You are right where you need to be. The expectation of an amazing blueprint is within you awaiting exploration. So what if you tried and it did not work out, today, attempt again. Scorch all unauthorized negative beliefs, uplift your attitude, get blazing excitement, and ignite you abilities into a boom of world-class creativity. There’s a magnificent spirit on the inside of you that’s waiting for the opportunity to connect with the aspirations of your life already planned. Trust yourself and expand your gratitude. Your ego wants you to manufacture a house in the darkness, in which you cannot see, but you’re a light meant to radiate and sparkle. Your creative moment is for you to live in the present now! The next intentional step determines the moment of living the impossible dream of blooming beyond your wildest imagination. #Instantaneously blooming my Love! #leadership #love #forgiveness #freedom #greatness #serenity #peace #gratitude #thankfulness #ignite
Monday, February 16, 2015
Divergent Alert
#Divergent Alert: Living on this earth, we have seen ourselves in many capacities. To live and desire a #legacy that made a difference to others is the actuality that we have come to grasps with our #institutionalized self-inflicted #imprisonment of abandonment and #rejection. Many have spent a majority of their lifetime watching for the #sustainable love that was misplaced from their parents. An abandon or rejected state leads to fear and promotion in a refusal of courage to contemplate that there is something more important than searching for the ghostly appearance of misguided love. What I know for sure, a rejected or abandon child is wounded; and in their search for meaning, they seek other’s approval to cover the misapprehensions “I am not worthy”. You see life doesn’t just happen to us, but we can understand what am I to do with the happenings of life. People who break these mindless patterns of behavior and attitudes towards themselves understands the concept that the confined cage door is opened and #blissful freedom waits. They recognize that their life is unrestricted because of an unlimited God. An intrinsic thought begins to shape the life they desire, the character they uphold, the true meaning of love, and the connection of the #synergy with life itself. They embrace freedom with a cheerful choice that sets landmark boldness. They comprehend and freedom resonates in every thread of their being. They established the work to reconcile their hurt and salute abandonment and rejection farewell. They say to themselves, “Thank you for doing such a awesome job to desire freedom. You are loved.” #leadership #love #forgiveness #freedom #greatness #serenity #peace http://ow.ly/i/8EZC4
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Window Alert
Window Alert: My Dearest, you are created with the essence of greatness. You are strong. Life sometimes gets in the way, but you can rise to the highest occasion of your being. You are created to succeed and to stand alongside others in the moments of their pain. You are one of a kind. Allow your heart to be gentle with yourself. You are creating a #masterpiece of excellence that wherever your feet tread a gentle significant atmosphere of #soul peace is caressed. Your compassion softens your heart, and your #encouragement constrains your worry. No need to look in the path of other’s portraits of excitement, ascertain to seek your #uniqueness and discover your power of I will rise. You, my Love are one of a kind. Your strength and #liveliness is contagious to the world. You #dreamed you have completely given into the power of becoming. You will leap at the sound of the voice within and say to yourself, “I can and I will rise”. Nothing is holding you back…you are one of a kind. You are setting #footprints in the #mirror that once you have seen yourself as being one of a kind, you never return to the mundane of nothingness. #Love, live, and #smile my Dearest. Your #exquisiteness of #distinctiveness is creating the magnified ability that reaches the four corners of the earth causing it to rise with #joy and sweet serenity of peace. You decide to rise, my Dear, because you can. http://ow.ly/i/8EsqE
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Happiness Alert
#Happiness Alert: Unwind this morning and open your awareness and heart to hear the quiet inner whisper. Choose to trust that everything will ultimately work together for your good. It’s essential to pray and remain faithful through challenges and hard times. You must stand strong. It’s a mandate to your existence to know that you walk in #favor, goodness, and mercy, which follow you wherever you go. Make your days the best of times despite what it looks like. There is always a bright light in the midst of what may seem insurmountable. You may feel as though you are just trying to survive. I #encourage you to realize you are already enduring. You can push, and press forward until you are restored with victory. You can #overcome challenges that seemed impossible. My Dear, you are a winner in spite of what it looks like. This is a call to reclaim your personal freedom of a #triumphant, and meaningful life. #Happiness is a choice.

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Monday, February 9, 2015
Amazing Alert
Amazing Alert: My Beloved everything in you is taking a new perspective. You are changing your judgments and attitude to welcome change. You are opening your heart and being more receptive to love. You realize the smile that immediately jumps on the forefront of your face was exciting. You are embracing amazing things and people into the new horizon of your life. You found yourself at anamazing vantage point that’s leading to a major trajectory in your life. Welcome your Creator’s amazing timing. You realize that you don’t have to strive to be, strive to prosper, strive to find joy, strive for other’s approval, but take a stance of stillness and be. You comprehend you are already amazing. The amazing you now contributes to others love, forgiveness, hope, and an openhearted spirit. It must feel awesome discovering the new you! Put on your favorite song, take your favorite walk, or plan your favoritevacation destination with the new amazing you! You are appreciated my Beloved! Enjoy!
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Brokenness Alert
Brokenness Alert: My friend, this day is interrupted for you to appreciate there is beauty in your brokenness. You are being stripped of everything that is preventing you from yielding to the destiny that God had purposed for you before your were born. You can no longer make excuses of what happened to you in the past, what momma didn't do, or the reason daddy wasn't there. You are responsible for the present "Now". You life is full of amazing twists and turns, but your brokenness leads you to understand that you are created for a cause greater than yourself. There has been many days when the struggle to pick yourself up was greater than usual, you wanted all pain and trails to leave you alone. You shout, "I am tired of all these problems". "I want to change. I know it's not easy, but I am trying. How many times must I hurt? How many times must I live this insanity? How long must I…" However, with tears in your eyes, you came to yourself. You realize it is a great day to pick yourself up and start over. You comprehended that brokenness was sent to aid you in the pursuit of your destiny. You rise up, dust yourself off, and place a smile on your face. This time you remembered I am loved, strengthen, and encouraged.
Much love,
Monica Johnson
Much love,
Monica Johnson
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Today's Word: Authenticity Alert
Authenticity Alert: As you look into this day that opens before you, you are to know that this day is supposed to be better than the one yesterday. This amazing life can happen if you #believe that all things are possible. Step in the boxing rink and have a bout with fear. You have been judge the winner, by #TKO, after knocking fear down. You must turn toward the promises that are exploded and mark with #confidence and #expectation. You my Treasured are #authentic. You are required to be loyal to yourself, and have a #feel-good look at being in love with you. You being you are what matters. Your appetite to the world will create the environment in which you decide to live. Your #authenticity is the game changer, the difference maker, the generational blessing, and the whip cream on a piece of key lime pie. My Love, the components are in you that take you from good to great. Once you understand that you can stand up and manifest everything that you are created to do. An "aha" moment will emerge that the His promises have not changed; they are "Yes" and "Amen". Your authenticity builds connections that transcend your life so others are blessed. When you have learned that your life is built on being the authentic you, and that what people think will not serve you well. You embrace the treasured you. Bottom line: the authentic you will always sparkle through.
Peace and love,
Monica Johnson
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