Tuesday, November 24, 2015
#Shift moment: Reading and you pause for a look upward as a reflection to say Thank you God for trusting me to carry such amazing story of shifting from brokenness to breathtaking. #forgiveness #shift #destiny #wholeness #warrior #gratitude #Grateful #shiftfrombrokentobreathtaking #leadership #strength #reflection #love #life #trusted #healing #peace #joy #lift
#Shift Examination: Early this morning, I was awakened and kneeled before God. I heard that before God can do anything through me He must do something to me. I immediately, ask God to examine my life. Remembering Psalm 139:23-24, "Search me. O God and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life." I gave God permission to examine me, which caused me to be vulnerable. Self-examination is about humbly asking and confessing before God all roadblocks to your destiny. When you hang on to hurt from the past, you block God's promises. I was reminded of situations where I was still harboring hurt from relationships that are no longer. I openly acknowledged my weakness before God and asked Him to help release and clean my heart from those barriers that are hindering my purpose. I declared always to walk in truth. I asked God for emancipation so that I could be set free. God examined my heart. I surrendered the pain. And now I am in harmony with His will. Today, if you want real freedom, you must start with self-examination. Ask God to search you. #forgiveness #shift #destiny #Godlovesyou #leadership #strength #maturity #FollowerofChrist #love
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Choose to Rise!
#Shift: Our attitudes about our current situations & circumstances should be used as stepping stones to bring us to a closer encounter with God. Choose to live in the Now & manifest what you want in your life. It was promised to you therefore YOU Choose to RISE! I Will Rise! #Ichoosetolive #ShiftfromBrokentoBreathtaking #freedom #IWillRise
Monday, November 9, 2015
Surviving the Brokenness
#Shift book moment: I ask this, "What is a little girl to do when love and her identity are stolen from her at age 1"?
I was born to Ruby Dean Taylor , whom I never met. Many nights I sat, seeking my identity, wondering what I did wrong to deserve the punishment of never meeting my mother — God's chosen vessel who gave birth to me. What child does not yearn for the loving arms of her mother? A mother is the foundation of a child's life. When she is not present, children become confused about who they are and thus begin a mission of self-discovery. Even the female eagle protects her young'uns until they are able to fly on their own." Purchase your copy at
I was born to Ruby Dean Taylor , whom I never met. Many nights I sat, seeking my identity, wondering what I did wrong to deserve the punishment of never meeting my mother — God's chosen vessel who gave birth to me. What child does not yearn for the loving arms of her mother? A mother is the foundation of a child's life. When she is not present, children become confused about who they are and thus begin a mission of self-discovery. Even the female eagle protects her young'uns until they are able to fly on their own." Purchase your copy at
Rely on God!
Shift: All of our lives we have been wrestling with something. We wrestle with whom we are, what people call us, whose child we are, social issues, church issues, marriage issues, and family issues. At some point, we must stop wrestling and learn to rely on God. #ShiftFromBrokentoBreathtaking
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
That Girl is SMART
#ThatGirlisSMART is looking for 5 interns who are passionate about helping ThatGirlisSMART's mission! Visit our website for more details. www.ThatGirlisSMART.com
Please inbox me if interested.
Our vision is to ensure and enable girls and women to use their gifts and walk in their destiny of greatness. We want every girl to graduate high school ignited, informed, and inspired for success with purpose of achieving personal, academic, and professional proficiencies. We want every woman to understand her authenticity, power, and the willingness to grow into the dynamic jewel of celebrate herself.
A great deal of young girls in our current society wrestle with low self-esteem. According to many, low self-esteem is the foundational issue that often leads to:
Poor physical fitness
Numerous negative behaviors
Young girls with a poor self-image grow into young ladies, mothers, and wives with a poor self-image.
That Girl Is S.M.A.R.T. (T.G.I.S.) is a non-profit 501c3 organization developed for the main purpose of educating and empowering young girls to overcome the mental, spiritual, and emotional roadblocks that have restricted and limited their mental, spiritual, emotional, relational, and professional development. We have developed a mentoring program to walk along side of these young girls so there is a measure of accountability and predictability of their success.
Every girl was born to win in life. Embrace, Empower and Explore.
Please inbox me if interested.
Our vision is to ensure and enable girls and women to use their gifts and walk in their destiny of greatness. We want every girl to graduate high school ignited, informed, and inspired for success with purpose of achieving personal, academic, and professional proficiencies. We want every woman to understand her authenticity, power, and the willingness to grow into the dynamic jewel of celebrate herself.
A great deal of young girls in our current society wrestle with low self-esteem. According to many, low self-esteem is the foundational issue that often leads to:
Poor physical fitness
Numerous negative behaviors
Young girls with a poor self-image grow into young ladies, mothers, and wives with a poor self-image.
That Girl Is S.M.A.R.T. (T.G.I.S.) is a non-profit 501c3 organization developed for the main purpose of educating and empowering young girls to overcome the mental, spiritual, and emotional roadblocks that have restricted and limited their mental, spiritual, emotional, relational, and professional development. We have developed a mentoring program to walk along side of these young girls so there is a measure of accountability and predictability of their success.
Every girl was born to win in life. Embrace, Empower and Explore.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Shifting into Position
#ShiftFromBrokentoBreathtaking book signing is coming to a city/state:
Nov 7 - Houston, TX
Nov 14 - Dallas, TX
Nov 21/22 - Jacksonville, FL
Dec 5/6 - New Orleans, LA
Dec 19/20 - Atlanta, GA
More dates & locations to come... I'm grateful. Everyone who purchases my book on line will receive an autographed copy. www.themonicajohnson.com or www.epitomemagazine.org to purchase your copy.
Much love,
Monica Johnson
Nov 7 - Houston, TX
Nov 14 - Dallas, TX
Nov 21/22 - Jacksonville, FL
Dec 5/6 - New Orleans, LA
Dec 19/20 - Atlanta, GA
More dates & locations to come... I'm grateful. Everyone who purchases my book on line will receive an autographed copy. www.themonicajohnson.com or www.epitomemagazine.org to purchase your copy.
Much love,
Monica Johnson
Shifting into Position
#ShiftFromBrokentoBreathtaking book signing is coming to a city/state:
Nov 7 - Houston, TX
Nov 14 - Dallas, TX
Nov 21/22 - Jacksonville, FL
Dec 5/6 - New Orleans, LA
Dec 19/20 - Atlanta, GA
More dates & locations to come... I'm grateful. Everyone who purchases my book on line will receive an autographed copy. www.themonicajohnson.com or www.epitomemagazine.org to purchase your copy.
Nov 7 - Houston, TX
Nov 14 - Dallas, TX
Nov 21/22 - Jacksonville, FL
Dec 5/6 - New Orleans, LA
Dec 19/20 - Atlanta, GA
More dates & locations to come... I'm grateful. Everyone who purchases my book on line will receive an autographed copy. www.themonicajohnson.com or www.epitomemagazine.org to purchase your copy.
If You Feel So Broken That You Don't Think You Can Ever Be Whole... THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU!
Get You Copy Today! Visit www.themonicajohnson.com or www.epitomemagazine.org
Much love,
Monica Johnson
Monica Johnson
Sunday, October 11, 2015
The 6th Annual The Epitomes Red Carpet & Award Celebration Oct 23, 15 Music Hall Fair Park
You Join us at #TheEpitomes 10.23.15 Music Hall Fair Park Honoring @patsmithty "Woman of Excellence presented by Mrs. @seritajakes @gellis98 @bishoppaulmorton our Sixth Annual Red Carpet and Awards Celebration.
Ambitious on the Edge of Greatness, our theme for the event, will take place at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, October 23, 2015 at the Music Hall Fair Park Dallas TX. Our Master of Ceremony for The Epitomes is world-renowned gospel comedian Broderick Rice.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Today is the DAY! That Girl is SMART Need Your HELP!
Good morning!
Please watch video & support. Your $25 or more donations are tax deductible #ThatGIRLisSMART TGIS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N--Cp1wIqbA&sns=tw
#NTXGIVINGDAY go to www.NorthTexasGivingDay.org "TGIS" Please Help us to help girls live their highest self! www.thatgirlissmart.com
#NTXGIVINGDAY go to www.NorthTexasGivingDay.org "TGIS" Please Help us to help girls live their highest self! www.thatgirlissmart.com
Thank you in advance!
Much love,
Monica Johnson
Monica Johnson
Friday, July 17, 2015
Shift From Broken to Breathtaking Excerpt
"The doctor shared with me that he was surprised I was still walking around, because half of my brain had been deprived of cerebral fluid for at least three years. While recovering from brain surgery, I had a spiritual encounter that birthed a “new Monica.” Though I had been walking with God, I finally understood that my spirit, not my physical or mental state, was the center of my being." #Comingverysoon #ShiftfromBrokentoBreathtaking #Gratitude #Grateful #breathtaking #Godsgrace #love #forgiveness #Destinysteps

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Friday, July 10, 2015
You Don't Need Permission

Today, I was conversing with a group of women. An illuminating moment took place. People are looking for action-driven individuals who demonstrates transparency and realness with the love of God. Many of us abandon our highest good and wait for permission to become what God has already stated. I, like many in times past, sat back seeking the approval of others to tell me it was okay to go outside the box. Don't allow fear or criticism to keep you trapped. The assurance that you don't need permission to be yourself or chase your divinely purposed dreams were already signed and sealed. People who know their earth assignment are clear with what they want and the reason God's purpose was given to them. You'll hear the many voices speak , "Who does she think she is?" This is the moment that you are NOT required to give a response, but to take action by following your heart. When you wait for permission you follow traditions and rituals. I'm grateful for the conversation today. I didn't wait for others approval, but I followed the guidance of God. By doing so, you'll find a way to live your highest good and give God the glory. I'm grateful for God's love and trust. You don't need permission! #ThatGirlisSMART #TGIS #Destinysteps #purposed #love #breathtaking #heart #HeLovesyou #Hetrustedme #leadeship #action #smiling
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Monday, July 6, 2015
Take the Leap of Faith
Maybe you are there at the edge. You're afraid to take that next step. What's holding you back? Fear & doubt have been your companions far too long. You are saying, What if it doesn't work?" Then try again. "What if I don't have what it takes?" Then be willing to learn. Yes, you can! You are right there. Your next step of faith is the answer to your prayers. You can do it. Today don't be afraid take the jump and watch God move. Peace! #Yesyoucan #Youarebuiltforthis #Youarechanginglives #Youcandoit #Youhavethefaith #Youarestrong #Youareawinner

Monday, June 22, 2015
Shift From Broken to Breathtaking
Shift From Broken to Breathtaking excerpt: After years of debilitating physical setbacks, my perspective was shifting. Then when I turned 40, two major events took place in my life. First, I was told about my real biological father, whom I had never met (a long story), and then I was diagnosed with an Arnold-Chiari malformation of the brain and told that I had to have brain surgery. The doctor shared with me that he was surprised I was still walking around, because half of my brain had been deprived of cerebral fluid for at least three years. To say the least, I was really thrown off balance by both of these situations".
#Summer2015 #ShiftfromBrokentoBreathtaking #Gratitude #Grateful #breathtaking #Godsgrace #love #forgiveness #Destinysteps #Hetrustedme #HisLoveSaves #Breathtakingliving #Wholeness #brokenness

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#Summer2015 #ShiftfromBrokentoBreathtaking #Gratitude #Grateful #breathtaking #Godsgrace #love #forgiveness #Destinysteps #Hetrustedme #HisLoveSaves #Breathtakingliving #Wholeness #brokenness

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Friday, June 19, 2015
Nothing you've done in your past can stop your destiny. Picture your amazing possibilities in life. Trust in your heart to align with your calling. You are the essence of radiant love. You've had a pause in life, but it was require. With guidance, the correct aim, prayer, momentum and the audacity of faith, kick your feet up and go live. Still I rise! #love #peace #heart #healing #Prayer #Faith #family #destiny #youarestronger #youcandoit

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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Today, I was conversing with a group of women. An illuminating moment took place. People are looking for action-driven individuals who demonstrates transparency and realness with the love of God. Many of us abandon our highest good and wait for permission to become what God has already stated. I, like many in times past, sat back seeking the approval of others to tell me it was okay to go outside the box. Don't allow fear or criticism to keep you trapped. The assurance that you don't need permission to be yourself or chase your divinely purposed dreams were already signed and sealed. People who know their earth assignment are clear with what they want and the reason God's purpose was given to them. You'll hear the many voices speak , "Who does she think she is?" This is the moment that you are NOT required to give a response, but to take action by following your heart. When you wait for permission you follow traditions and rituals. I'm grateful for the conversation today. I didn't wait for others people's approval, but I followed the guidance of God. By doing so, you'll find a way to live your highest good and give God the glory. I'm grateful for God's love and trust. You don't need permission! #ThatGirlisSMART #TGIS #Destinysteps #purposed #love #breathtaking #heart #HeLovesyou #Hetrustedme #leadeship #action #smiling

Friday, June 5, 2015
Faith is on Trail
A lot of times, your faith is on trial. You are sitting in the witness stand giving your testimony about your current dilemma. Either you believe God's promises or not. Either you believe the verdict will be in your favor or not. You get to decide how you end this trial, which will either be victorious, hung jury or guilty. You serve a God who fights your battles, and is always the winner. That makes you not guilty and victorious. #winning #faith #Hetrustedyou #HisLoveSaves #promises #testimony

Thursday, June 4, 2015
A Shift in Life
Shift From Broken to Breathtaking excerpt: One night while I was in my early thirties and in graduate school, I went to a popular jazz spot/restaurant and met the man who would become my husband and the true love of my life. At that time, I had told myself that I didn’t want to get involved in a relationship, but we connected, started talking, and things developed from there. Fourteen months later, we were married. But a few months before our wedding in my hometown the next August, I had a car accident and was told that I had bulging disks in my neck. Excited to get married, I had three epidural treatments, the last of which I had before we went to Las Vegas for our honeymoon. We got there on Sunday, and by Monday I couldn’t walk. I was flown back to Dallas for emergency surgery, eight screws and four plates were put in my neck". #BookcomingSummer2015 #ShiftfromBrokentoBreathtaking #Gratitude #Grateful #breathtaking #Godsgrace #love #forgiveness #Destinysteps #Hetrustedme #HisLoveSaves #Breathtakingliving #Wholeness #brokenness#Summer2015 #ShiftfromBrokentoBreathtaking #Gratitude #Grateful #breathtaking #Godsgrace #love #forgiveness #Destinysteps #Hetrustedme #HisLoveSaves #Breathtakingliving #Wholeness #brokenness

Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Let it Go!
Monday, June 1, 2015
You've not accomplish what you've set out to achieve just yet. It's okay. What's the rush! Sometimes we hurry without realizing that we are bypassing part of the process. We've not taking the time to seek God, pray, meditate, and ask those pivotal questions. And like me, we get ourselves in a pickle because we've gotten excited about a new thing. It's paramount that you step back and set the foundational structure to whatever you are desiring to complete and ask for guidance. Stop! Don't be in a rush! The time it will take to to regroup is energy and time you'll never replace. People are sent to teach lessons. It just depend on what level of your maturation you reside. Learn from me and slow down. I'm humbled. #ThatGirlisSMART #TGIS #teamjohnson #strength #wisdom #worthit

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Sunday, May 31, 2015
A New Perspective!
Once in a while our hopes gets dashed, but you must know that something beautiful happens to you as well. You begin to see things from a different perspective and your heart warms with a smile. You realize everyone struggles, and have broken dreams with many frustrations, but you start to smile with a heart that loves. You learn to visualize the awesomeness wonder of God's love that was given to you so that you can pay it forward. #ThatGirlisSMART #TGIS

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Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Never Give Up!
Thursday, April 23, 2015
#TGIS Breathtaking Life Experience May 16, 2015 Frisco, TX - Register Now!
Good morning Beautiful,
Women are you ready for Breathtaking Living! Register Now at www.thatgirlissmart.com - When you register you can bring your daughter, her friend, a neighbor's daughter or any girl from the ages of 6-18 for #FREE. They will have their own moments to breath. Please send their information to info@thatgirlissmart.com or you can call 619.946.8447 with the girl(s) information. #Seatsarelimited and tickets are going fast. Limited two girls per ticket. It's going to be awesome!
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Friday, April 3, 2015
Me and You
The amazing moment you open your eyes and realize nothing is as important as the gift of breathe. The absolutely perfection of God's Love. If you are like me, you have conflict with your weight. If you are like me , you struggled with self-love. If you are like me, your personality is a problem to others. If you are like me, your illumination to peace is that God created you the way you are. If you are like me, you cannot deny your creation of beauty. Therefore, if you are like me, you come to settlement that what other people think of you is not your concern. You've learned to be true to you. #selflove #freedom #ThatGirlisSMART #TGIS

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- Posted using BlogPress from my OneWordMovement
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Destiny Steps
Thursday, March 26, 2015
That Girl Is SMART Episode 1 - "Being Stuck"
That Girl Is SMART Episode 1 - "Being Stuck" The most powerful position is knowing who you are in God, and your created purpose because you are no longer stuck. #ThatGirlisSMART (Successful, Magnificent, Authentic, Resourceful, and Talented). Overcoming Challenges and Triumphing in Life! #TGIS Follow us on Twitter @ThatGirlisSMART FaceBook ThatGirlisSMART
Instagram @ThatGirlSMART
Check out this video on YouTube:
Much love,
Monica Johnson
Instagram @ThatGirlSMART
Check out this video on YouTube:
Much love,
Monica Johnson
Thursday, March 19, 2015
I am a transformative "Change Agent". I actualize the dream of speaking globally timeless wisdom, how to living unconditionally, healing unhappiness through igniting, informing, inspiring with integrity for a lasting impact on others that change the trajectory of their lives. It is a remarkable and exhilarating feeling to have credentials and qualifications, I have them, matter fact I have a BS in Accounting, MBA, and Masters in Theology, but it never healed my pain. Pain is real and accomplishments can be used as a disguise to conceal the real hurt that you feel. Achievement concealment can only last for a moment. Pain is invisible on the outside and a silent killer on the inside. You begin to feel the need to be defensive about anything people say about you. You want to justify your purpose. Pain wants to manipulate your tenacity into fear, not good enough, and I am not worthy. Sometimes life throws you an insurmountable mountain of stress and agony that makes you think I cannot go on. However, there comes a point when you say enough is enough; I want freedom no matter what. You being to release the uncertainty and get into the presence of the Holy Spirit, who has waited patiently for you to come back home. #ThatGirlisSMART knows you cannot heal what you desire to conceal. #freedom #love #credentials #pain #awakening #forgiveness #trajectory #change

Monday, March 9, 2015
That Girl is SMART
What's so amazing is that every girl fits into either a wife, mother, or daughter place, in which they are all SMART. "That Girl is Smart" (Successful, Magnificent, Authentic, Resourceful, and Talented). Overcoming Challenges and Triumphing in Life by Monica Johnson coming to the market place July 2015. #successful #magnificent #Authentic #resourceful #talented #ThatGirlIsSmart #TGIS #ReadySetGo #triumph #leadership #favor

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- Posted using BlogPress from my OneWordMovement
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Crutches Alert: It is not a moment that travels that parents make choices that alter their children lives. Immature #decisions remove the opportunity for the child to get the possibility to participate in the ownership of their path. When you think about the #trajectory and where your life is to go, you can only follow guidance from the Spirit of God. After many sites in the park, much #rejection, #insecurities, and silence in prayer, the question kept resurfacing, “What is a little girl to do with the moments of #identity and love that was stolen from her at the age of one?”. I will tell you; what I know for sure is that you must love despite any circumstances. I realized that unforgiveness block faith. Many people perform and speak the appropriate actions and words, but inside them is #unforgiveness and conflict. You are never to portray yourself as a victim, but lean and depend on Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. However, thru all the struggles and challenges, I have learned that life is supposed to be built on love and happiness. #Love is to conquer all things. If this is the case, then Love healed me. Do not #judge a book by its cover.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Pessimist Alert
Pessimist Alert: The root of every problem affecting our #language comes from the heart. The words that come out of our mouth are a core concern. Most times when people are faced with a challenge they automatically began to think of all the adverse things that could happen. Think about it for a moment if an individual's heart is good, their words will be good. If a person's heart is malicious, their words will be malicious. What we speak comes from what is inside of us. Most times, a person's character is decided by the words that come from their mouth. If a person is always negative, they have a heart problem. Your #attitude about life makes a huge difference in the way your treat yourself; and the way other people treat you. Many have lost much #blessings and #privileges because of negative words that are spoken too soon and too much. If you always have negative thoughts, you will probably get them. Let us start today removing #fearfulness, #rejection, #self-defense, and all destructive reflections that permeate your mind. The words you speak determine your #destiny. If you have not achieved the thoughts and plans, that God has for you; I would suggest you check the way you are using your tongue. “Out of the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, this should not be” (James 3:10).

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- Posted using BlogPress from my OneWordMovement
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Love Heals
You are God's creative child. When you have experienced a lot of things in life, you learn self-love. Love heals all and releases all sorrow. You no longer are concerned about what others think. You just do your best. I love God & He most certainly loves me and you too! It's all awesome!

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- Posted using BlogPress from my OneWordMovement
Monday, March 2, 2015
Weeping is Maturity
Life Alert
Life Alert: The love of God is the most kindness valiant action given to man. Think about it for a moment, life severity tests and trials can cause the most precautions person to be harsh and cold. Many people lug burdens far too long that hinder their next steps of destiny. When we come to realize that acceptance with God comes from believing in Christ. Believing in the love of God allows us to bring all our overpowering, incomprehensible, and devastating concerns to an unlimited and boundless God. Whatever is hindering you from the acceptability of God’s love, you must be willing to surrender being mean, using harsh words, having a bad temper, and being angry. However, accept being kind to one another, just as God has forgiven you. The choice is yours. The struggle for love is real. Life is too short and tomorrow has not come. Live in the assurance and promises that you are LOVED!
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Saturday, February 28, 2015
Wide Open
Audacious Alert
Audacious Alert: Bold people make it happen! However, it depends personally on ownership of the virtuosity of determination and drive. Embracing the shift with bravery will require tenacity and a fight for knowing the reason for being here. An awake person is called to alter history, and must be willing to make a courageous stand for not doing what has always been done. They are daring and will be something different. An audacious person is ready to pay the ultimate price to maintain his integrity. However, the impact will not come sitting on the sideline; they must be prepared to go to work. He/She must be prepared to be wide-awake. They do not let people tell them that having confidence is negative. Confidence is brilliance. It is time to lean-in and embraces the stirring that is happening within you. You cannot even sleep at night for the dream, the imaginary of fire, and the opportunity to live the authenticity of self. The alarm has sounded awakening the change agent within, to dig deeper and discover the audacious promise of your God-given purpose that cannot be fulfilled by anyone except you. Be the #Audacious you to transform the world! #daring #bold #love #forgiveness #freedom #greatness #serenity #peace #footprint #mission #enthusiasm #exposure #excitement #energy #leadership #confidence #purpose

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- Posted using BlogPress from my OneWordMovement
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Tears Alert
Tears Alert: The drop of a tear is the ability to feel. The drop of two tears displays compassion. The cry of a river cleanses the soul. It's okay to cry, but you must weep with a purpose. Weeping heals the hurt, expresses the disappointment, and awaken the mind to know that for such a time as now this too shall pass. You are still standing my Love. You are still here. No longer shed another tear for the sake of crying, but use your wailing to show gratitude that you are growing. Press on my Dear time waits for no one. Much love, Monica #Rise #love #gratitude #freedom #peace #tears #purpose #crying #forgiveness

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- Posted using BlogPress from my OneWordMovement
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Face-to-Face Alert: Excitement, energy, loves, and a smile about helping others in life is what retains me thriving with blessedness. One day, it will happen to you as it did to me when all the hurt you have built up inside comes racing you like a cyclone. Damage is its name, fought many times to get exposure, but every time it reared its monstrous head, we lift up invisible 12 feet barriers to protect ourselves. Then on one quiet remarkable day, when it can no longer be hidden, Damage requires a Face-to-Face meeting to emancipate the agony of many years of hurt. One thing I know for sure is that pain is real. We are all aware that it takes nine months to birth a baby. The baby grows inside the mother’s body with anticipation of ‘Coming to America’. When he/she arrives, the mother is above enthusiasm of allowing this bundle of joy to place a footprint on the world. Now image when the mother is not there to carry out this God-given mission. The baby’s trajectory in life was changed forever. Many people judge others when they have no idea of the suffering that they have endured. Let us remove the negative speech and remain silent. But God, freedom has come home. The time is now to confront what is hindering and hurting you. You have carried those pains more than nine months, for some it has been all your life. Freedom has come home. Let us join hands and let's walk together. Freedom has come home.
Love you more, Monica
#love #forgiveness #freedom #greatness #serenity #peace #footprint #mission #enthusiasm #exposure #excitement #energy #leadership

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Love you more, Monica
#love #forgiveness #freedom #greatness #serenity #peace #footprint #mission #enthusiasm #exposure #excitement #energy #leadership
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Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Rejection Alert: Sunrise gives you optimism; sunset gives your rest. What you do in between determines your destiny. However, without Love, it is impossible to succeed. Love is the antidote for all things. In life, there are times when you are called to participate with rising higher from every adverse component used as road blocks to keep you defensive. Living a life of fear, doubt, and judgment stifles you from enjoying the landscapes of life. These conditional traits are not used to change you for the betterment; they will destroy you. When you operate with the habits of fear and defensiveness you never fully commit, and nobody knows you. You have the tendency to give everything else to people, but never yourself. You are afraid of rejection; you take pride in being “independent”. This life allows you to accomplish many things on the outside, but you hide the authentic you on the inside. Love is transformative. Love heals all. It is time to move beyond, so you can soar. Move today to the authentic state of love, and your trajectory in life will change. #love #forgiveness #freedom #greatness #serenity #peace #gratitude #thankfulness #ignite #time #determination #humility #winner

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- Posted using BlogPress from my OneWordMovement
Monday, February 23, 2015
Sunday, February 22, 2015
You, my Dear, it's time to get up and build your life on solidarity. You are a beautiful creation with amazing things to accomplish and complete. Stop it! Don't play the victim, but be the one filled with love and #joy. Don't you know you are #SpirituallySweet with the capacity to spread love. Love is the only way. Love heals all things. Love forgives all wrong. Our Sovereign God first loved, so we are to love. Much love!

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- Posted using BlogPress from my OneWordMovement
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Your Story Matters
Friday, February 20, 2015
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Time Alert
Time Alert: The time has come, my Dear, when you will no longer be concerned about whether people like you are not. For it’s not what they speak that counts; but what you tolerate the ego to say to you that matters. When we comprehend so little about ourselves from God, we blindly allow others to tell us who we are. All too true, we allow the ego and others to limit us to their narrow spaces. As we become more aware, we realize that we are fighting too hard against others and ourselves; we stop the clock there. Far too long, we have allowed the Joker to tear at our confidence and create emotional defiance that consumes us from the inside out, leaving us cowardly and weak. Choose this day to hit your target, and finally root out all the things, which are holding you back from living an amazing life. Greatness belongs to you when you master your internal breathing space. For these reasons you must be aware that you have confidence, #illumination, vitality, determination, humility, and the audacity of intentionality to march forward. My Dear, time waits for no one…get up, get going, because you have the strength and tenacity to win. TIME IS TICKING! #leadership #love #forgiveness #freedom #greatness #serenity #peace #gratitude #thankfulness #ignite #time #determination #humility #winner

- Posted using BlogPress from my OneWordMovement
- Posted using BlogPress from my OneWordMovement
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Plateau Alert
Plateau Alert: You can do anything if you BELIEVE. The effervescence of your creative state is wonderful; you must BELIEVE. You have enough strength to hold onto the edge of the mountain and not let go. Fear has left, because your destiny matters! You are at the edge filled with vigor. You departed the frailty of your environment, filled with negativity and bad attitudes, and connected yourself with people who are accomplishing goals and living unlimited. You are right in the plateau of a new horizon. Do not let the distractions of life take you off course and steal your enthusiasm. Find a way to BELIEVE that no matter the obstacles, you have the strength to bear and follow the path to the edge of your destiny. YOU MY DEAR ARE LIVING ON THE EDGE! #Leadership #love #forgiveness #freedom #greatness #serenity #peace #gratitude #thankfulness #ignite #believe #destiny
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Blossom Alert
Blossom Alert: What’s keeping you from living the life you desire? We all experience a life that may overwhelm at times, but my Dear do not get discouraged. You are right where you need to be. The expectation of an amazing blueprint is within you awaiting exploration. So what if you tried and it did not work out, today, attempt again. Scorch all unauthorized negative beliefs, uplift your attitude, get blazing excitement, and ignite you abilities into a boom of world-class creativity. There’s a magnificent spirit on the inside of you that’s waiting for the opportunity to connect with the aspirations of your life already planned. Trust yourself and expand your gratitude. Your ego wants you to manufacture a house in the darkness, in which you cannot see, but you’re a light meant to radiate and sparkle. Your creative moment is for you to live in the present now! The next intentional step determines the moment of living the impossible dream of blooming beyond your wildest imagination. #Instantaneously blooming my Love! #leadership #love #forgiveness #freedom #greatness #serenity #peace #gratitude #thankfulness #ignite
Monday, February 16, 2015
Divergent Alert
#Divergent Alert: Living on this earth, we have seen ourselves in many capacities. To live and desire a #legacy that made a difference to others is the actuality that we have come to grasps with our #institutionalized self-inflicted #imprisonment of abandonment and #rejection. Many have spent a majority of their lifetime watching for the #sustainable love that was misplaced from their parents. An abandon or rejected state leads to fear and promotion in a refusal of courage to contemplate that there is something more important than searching for the ghostly appearance of misguided love. What I know for sure, a rejected or abandon child is wounded; and in their search for meaning, they seek other’s approval to cover the misapprehensions “I am not worthy”. You see life doesn’t just happen to us, but we can understand what am I to do with the happenings of life. People who break these mindless patterns of behavior and attitudes towards themselves understands the concept that the confined cage door is opened and #blissful freedom waits. They recognize that their life is unrestricted because of an unlimited God. An intrinsic thought begins to shape the life they desire, the character they uphold, the true meaning of love, and the connection of the #synergy with life itself. They embrace freedom with a cheerful choice that sets landmark boldness. They comprehend and freedom resonates in every thread of their being. They established the work to reconcile their hurt and salute abandonment and rejection farewell. They say to themselves, “Thank you for doing such a awesome job to desire freedom. You are loved.” #leadership #love #forgiveness #freedom #greatness #serenity #peace http://ow.ly/i/8EZC4
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